A play within a play, The Play That Goes Wrong is a lively hybrid of Monty Python and Sherlock Holmes that’s guaranteed to leave you aching with laughter! It's opening night of the Cornley University Drama Society’s newest production, The Murder at Haversham Manor, where things are quickly going from bad to utterly disastrous. This 1920s whodunit has everything you never wanted in a show — an unconscious leading lady, a corpse that can’t play dead and actors who trip over everything (including their lines). Nevertheless, the accident-prone thespians battle against all odds to make it through to their final curtain call, with hilarious consequences!
By Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer and Henry Shields.
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216 West Ave A, Port Aransas, TX
(361) 749-4274
Jessica Albert (Trevor Watson)
Jordan Bruster (Robert Grove/Thomas Colleymoore)
Rhonda Dobie (Dennis Tyde/Perkins)
Hunter Holloway (Jonathan Harris/Charles Haversham)
Brayden Jake (Max Bennett/Cecil Haversham, Arthur the Gardener)
Morgan Milligan (Annie Twilloil)
Sonni Nye (Sandra Wilkinson/Florence Colleymoore)
Nic Trevino (Chris Bean/Inspector Carter)
Director: Ken Yarbrough
Stage Manager: Glenda McCormick
Set Design: Ray Dillahunty
Light/Sound Director: Savannah Stirling
Technical Director: Rick Adams
Makeup: Kimberly Massey
Tech: Emily Regier, Brenda Castle, Justin Revels, Kimberly Massey, Meaghan Setterbo, AJ Warrington